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Interactive Metronome



What is IM?


The Interactive Metronome® (IM) is a therapeutic assessment and training program that improves attention, concentration, motor planning and sequencing.  Improvements in those areas result in stronger motor control and coordination, enhanced balance and gait, and improved language and cognition.  IM is the only therapy tool that improves motor planning and sequencing by using neuro-sensory and neuro-motor exercises developed to improve the brain's inherent ability to repair or remodel itself through a process called neuroplasticity.  


IM  is used by over 15,000 providers in hospitals and clinics throughout the United States and Canada.  Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist and other professionals use the IM to accelerate therapy outcomes and exceed traditional clinical outcomes.


















How Does IM Work?


Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based assessment and training tool that measures & improves Neurotiming, or the synchronization of neural impulses within key brain networks for cognitive, communicative, sensory & motor performance. As the individual activates a trigger in time with a steady auditory beat, IM technology provides real-time auditory and visual feedback for millisecond timing. Knowing whether he is hitting before, after, or exactly in sync with the beat to the millisecond allows the individual to make immediate, online corrections to improve timing & rhythm over the course of training.

Peer reviewed studies repeatedly confirm the importance of timing & rhythm for human performance


 IM’s game-like features engage the patient with auditory and visual guidance and provide real-time feedback while encouraging him/her to improve their scores.


IM training is used by professional athletes in the NFL, NHL, NLL, PGA, and by professional tennis players. Schools have provided IM training to their players to improve overall performance and skill. Parent’s have used it to help give their child that extra competitive edge in sports as well in school.



IM integrates sight, sound and physical movements to improve:


Working Memory

The ability to store information and ideas.  Memory is essential for word recognition, comprehension of complex sentences and remembering instructions.



The ability to focus on information tasks and ignore distractions.



The rate at which you are able to accurately perceive and manipulate information.



The placing of detailed information in its accustomed order for example: days of the week, scheduling appointments, the alphabet or baking cookies.


Motor Coordination

The combination of purposeful body movements working together, as in tying a shoe, hand writing, getting dressed, exercising or riding a bicycle.


Why is timing important?

Timing is everything, a phrase we’re sure that you have all heard a million times. But what you likely don’t think about when you hear this phrase is how fundamental timing is to everything that we do as humans, both spectacular things and simple things.

Precise timing is responsible for a stellar athletic performance, or a group of musicians making a perfect melody or it can even be the key to a funny punch line. Timing is responsible for a person being able to walk without falling or speaking without stuttering. Timing is what allows us to focus, process language, keep our balance and have smooth gait, play a sport, and even read. Timing is responsible for the synchronous communication of our brains’ network system that connects cognitive processes and physical movement. Therefore the ability to have accurate Neurotiming is one of the most critical factors in human performance.


Who Can Benefit?

Adults and  children with motor  and sensory disorders, learning disorders, speech and language delays, and learning deficits and various cognitive and physical difficulties can benefit from IM.



Autism Spectrum

Balance & Gate Disorders

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVI)

Developmental Disorders


Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Functional Decline

Low Endurance and Stamina

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


Elite & Professional Athletes (Such as Baseball, Football, Golf, Softball, Tennis and any other sports where focus and timing are important).



It takes approximately one hour sessions (four to five weeks), longer for those with more serious disabilities. For best results this program needs to be done a minimum of 2-3 times a week.

What Our Parent's Have to Say
A Focused Brain In The News!
Let our O.T.  Students introduce you to IM!
Lisa Poe OTR/L,  speaking on IM
Multiple News Stories On The Of Use Of IM For Academics
Listen to one of our 6 year old clients and his mom discuss how IM benefited them
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